STOP Wasting Time - How to Analyze Your Content Easily
I FINALLY decided to run my content analytics on my new TikTok account. If you haven’t heard, I launched a new book under a new series AND a new pen name (IE my real name, Kate Hall) called An Impressive Proposal. It’s a contemporary billionaire romance, and I am ONLY using TikTok for my marketing.
In August, this book made me over $2,100, and in total (as of Sept 10, 2024), it’s made me almost $3,800. I haven’t had any super-duper viral posts with a hundred thousand or more views, but I have had a few posts over 20k views, and one or two over 50k views.
Now that we’re in September, it’s time for me to refine my hooks from 19 written and posted hooks. Instead of scrolling through all my posts and adding everything up myself, I’ve finally input my August data into my TikTok Analytics Spreadsheet (FOUND HERE) to figure out which hooks are ACTUALLY performing and selling books. That way, by posting only the effective hooks, my income will increase even more significantly.
I did alter my spreadsheet in one aspect, and that’s by changing my “REVENUE” tab to a “FAVORITES” tab. That’s because I can definitively say how many favorites my hooks have, while it’s hard to judge the actual revenue. Favorites on TikTok are also a great determiner of sales, because people who “Favorite” your post (rather than just “liking” it) are showing that they’re interested in going back to see the post and read the book.
My overall plan is to now use the top 8 hooks that have the most “Favorites” or “Saves” (the bookmark-shaped button on TikTok) and only post those rather than continuing to post all 19 of my current hooks.
If you want to use the same sheet to analyze your own TikTok strategy, you can purchase it here: